How to Avoid the Disgusting Mouth Yeast Infection?

Friday, July 16, 2010

What is mouth yeast infection?

Mouth yeast infection can have disastrous affects so it is prudent to get it treated properly once it is diagnosed. Mouth yeast infection, oral infection or thrust are the different names of the same disease and have similar ill effects. Therefore, once it is diagnosed you should try your best to get rid of it.

Though, it is more common in children than in adults, even adults can be infected by it. If not treated, mouth yeast infection can get very serious so know how to cure it. Bacteria, whether it is good or bad stays in different parts of our body. Their existence don't really bother us or bring any difference in to our body as they maintain a particular balance but once the balance is disturbed things can turn really serious.

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What causes it?

What happens when we are affected by thrush is that a large amount of bad bacteria located in the mouth disturbs the balance that needs to be maintained. There are many reasons for the shift in the balance; one of which is stress.

If you are leading a stressful life, you are increasing the possibility of getting infected it. HIV, Cancer, diabetes are the other causes for disturbing the balance. Women who breast feed their babies are prone to mouth yeast infection being transferred by their babies.

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How will you know that you are affected?

If you are infected by mouth you will notice white, creamy lesions inside your mouth. The lesions are tender to touch and might start bleeding if you touch them or brush your teeth. If you notice these lesions in your mouth don't keep just sit back, consult your dentist. He will put you on an antifungal medication which will help you to get rid of the problem.

But if you are infected with mouth oral infection you should know that it is because of the imbalance in your system. Therefore to avoid being infected again maintain oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly. Too much use of mouth spray can disturb the balance; but most importantly quit smoking to avoid them.
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Skunk Spray Dangers to Watch For

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Not only is skunk spray a very smelly nuisance. But it is wise to educate yourself on the possible skunk spray dangers when your pet, usually a dog or a cat, is sprayed.Generally, your pet will be just fine when, and if, he or she gets sprayed by a skunk. You will have nothing more to worry about than the horrible smell you now have to get rid of. Skunk smell removal is not any fun.

There are, however, some possible side effects that can be quite dangerous. When your dog or cat is sprayed by a skunk, you need to check for a couple of things. These include:
* Make sure your pet has not been bitten or scratched by the skunk during the incident. Check your pet thoroughly from head to tail. If you find a bite mark or a scratch that has broken the skin, contact your vet for advice.

* Quickly determine where on your pet's body, he or she has been sprayed. If your dog or cat has been sprayed in the face or in the mouth, let your vet know and follow his instruction.
Some of the possible skunk spray dangers, or side effects, include nausea, vomiting, and temporary blindness.

If a dog or cat that is experiencing problems after being sprayed by a skunk does not get the care from a professional that is required, they may suffer from greater problems or possible die.
There have been occasions when a dog sprayed by a skunk in the face and mouth was left untreated and not offered veterinarian care, have experienced liver disease, kidney problems and death.

For this reason, if in doubt about whether or not your dog will be fine, contact your vet. When facing the possible skunk spray dangers, the peace of mind is generally worth any expense you may incur.
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Mouth spray with a high content of mint does not and will not guarantee the solution of a bad breath problem. Most people think that it has to be a strong mint spray for quick fixes. But in reality, once the mint dries up the bad breath will come back

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